
Off The Hook

This is a writeup of the Pwn challenge Off The Hook by swampCTF

Points: 300


We did some dabbling with apk’s, have fun!

Challenge files:



We get a single apk file. Luckily, apks are in a way like ZIP folders, so we can unzip the file, and extract the following files: apk contents

Of interest to us here, is the classes.dex file, which when opened in jadx allows us to view the following: main function

As we can see, the flag is obfuscated, and becomes deobfuscated when the line:

return  "swampCTF{"  +  new  String(GingerBread.gumdrop(Base64.decode("otP+wTo2MYdv8+Uv5Gyoqg==",  0),  bytes),  StandardCharsets.UTF_8)  +  "}";

is run. However, as we can see in the line, we need to pass it through the class GingerBreads gumdrop function, which we can see a snippet of here: gumdrop function


Now that we have the source code that generates the flag, we can get to work. To get the flag back, we’re going to need a way to run some java code, which can either be done in your IDE of choice, or in this case, with a site like jdoodle.

Copying over the MainActivity and GingerBread classes, we need to slightly tweak them before we can run the program.

In GingerBread, the value UByte.MAX_VALUE is changed 255.

In MainActivity we only copy over the contents of the public String getFlag() function.

We then remove the line verify("Onions");

We also remove StandardCharsets.UTF_8 from the code entierly, and change the last line, which initially is a return value, to a print statement. Furthermore, we import the Base64 library and change the line Base64.decode("otP+wTo2MYdv8+Uv5Gyoqg==", 0) to just be a string.

After all of this, we now have the following main function:

import java.util.Base64;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      byte[] bytes = String.format("%1$-32s", "MUFFIN_MAN").getBytes();
      byte[] flagBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode("otP+wTo2MYdv8+Uv5Gyoqg==");
      GingerBread.S = GingerBread.generateSubkeys(bytes);
      System.out.println("swampCTF{" + new String(GingerBread.gumdrop(flagBytes, bytes)) + "}");

Running this, together with the tweaked GingerBread class gives us the following:

gumdrop function

So we now have our flag:


Tools and sources used:

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.