Xor Pain
This is a writeup of the crypto challenge XOR pain from the Security Valley CTF Premise There is a piece of code and a text file. Make it work!! Link: https://github.com/SecurityValley/PublicCTFC...
This is a writeup of the crypto challenge XOR pain from the Security Valley CTF Premise There is a piece of code and a text file. Make it work!! Link: https://github.com/SecurityValley/PublicCTFC...
This is a writeup of the crypto challenge RSA from the Security Valley CTF Premise We have again capture a bunch of numbers in a list. That makes no sense at all. But a whisteblower has leak that ...
This is a writeup of the crypto challenge Thanks Microsoft from the Security Valley CTF Premise During our hack we have stolen a pieces of weird and old C code. But it seems that this was only the...
This is a writeup of the crypto challenge french from the Security Valley CTF Premise Haha, tu n’y arriveras jamais… this old french men thinks he can troll us. He sends messages and messages agai...
This is a writeup of the 10 point crypto challenge Capture message from the Security Valley CTF Premise Hm hm hm. We have seen this before… a long time ago. But we are to stupid to crack it…help ...
This is a writeup of the 5 point crypto challenge Capture message from the Security Valley CTF Premise We have captured a message. But what is the content??? Help us, please! Link: https://githu...
This is a writeup of the coding challenge What the HELL from the Security Valley CTF Premise All hell is breaking loose. Once again a frontend developer went completely nuts and left us with a Ja...
This is a writeup of the coding challenge Weird code from the Security Valley CTF Premise I’ve found a weird piece of code in the internet. That looks strange….but there is a flag inside. I beliv...
date: 2023-07-25 22:24:17 +02:00 categories: [SecurityValley, Coding] tags: [Coding, CTF, SecurityValley] — This is a writeup of the coding challenge Hash auth from the Security Valley CTF Premi...
date: 2023-07-25 22:11:28 +02:00 categories: [SecurityValley, Coding] tags: [Coding, CTF, SecurityValley] — This is a writeup of the coding challenge Good authentication from the Security Valley ...